Package ValueObjects


A ValueObject is a wrapper for a primitive value. It extends the value to include the ability to set constraints on creation and to validate compliance with the constraints. Furthermore, they ensure that the value is immutable and thus cannot be changed.


  • In order to change a ValueObject, it must be created again and thus also validated again.
  • Each ValueObject is created with the static create(value, options) method.
  • During creation, the static validate(value, options) method is automatically called, which can also be used separately.


every ValueObject inherits from the abstract ValueObject:

  • .value - the getter for the internal primitive value
  • .toJSON() - which returns a readable representation of the value (commonly just the value)
  • .equals(...) - for comparison of ValueObjects

additionally every ValueObject has at least a static implementation for:

  • .create(value, options) - to create (and validate) the ValueObject
  • .validate(value, options) - to validate the constraints on the value
  • .fromList(values, options) - to create a list of ValueObjects from a list of primitives (this is the list equivalent of .create())
  • .toList(values) - to transform a list of ValueObjects to a list of primitives (this is the list equivalent of .value)

some of the ValueObjects (especially the composed ones) have additional useful methods.


every ValueObject has an options parameter for create(), validate() and fromList(). These options can be used to define constraints for the passed value(s).

There are some common options that are used independently of the individual ValueObject:

// All ValueObjects [all methods]
interface CreationOptions {
name?: string; // the name of the ValueObject to identify in a possible ErrorMessage.

// Numeric & (string) ValueObjects [all methods]
interface IntervalCreationOptions extends CreationOptions {
min?: number; // the lower bound of the interval the value (length) has to be in
max?: number; // the upper bound of the interval the value (length) has to be in

// All ValueObjects [fromList(value, OPTIONS)]
interface ListCreationOptions {
forbidUndefined?: boolean; // is undefined forbidden as a valid input
listSize?: {
min?: number; // minimum amount of values inside of the list
max?: number; // maximum amount of values inside of the list
fix?: number; // fix amount of values inside of the list. This serves as a shortcut for min = max.

Most ValueObjects have additional options depending on their individual needs. Those are always called <ValueObjectName>Options

Basic ValueObjects


  • Float - the common wrapper for number
  • Integer - an extension of Float without decimal digits
  • FloatString - also a Float, but can be created from a string
  • IntegerString - also an Integer, but can be created from a string
  • NumericId - an extension of Integer with the inbuilt constraints to be positive and not round-able


  • OptionalString - the common wrapper for string, but can be created from falsy values (if required)
  • NonEmptyString - an extension of OptionalString, but can only be created from strings that are not empty

other (pseudo) primitive

  • SafeBoolean - the common wrapper for boolean, that can also be created from undefined or string (if required)
  • SafeDate - the common wrapper for JS's Date




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