Package Basic


This module contains basic classes to structure an application.


An Entity represents the base class for a model. Its attributes consist of ValueObjects.


A Result is the result of a validation - not to be confused with an error. When creating ValueObjects, a Result is returned which states whether the validation of the transferred value was successful. This forces the result of the validation to be checked and any false validations to be intercepted. Additionally, usually when an entity is created (where ValueObjects are also created), a Result is returned to ensure that the entity is correct and the domain core is consistent.

A Result must always be checked before its value can be accessed to prevent using the (non-existent) value of a failed Result. This is "type-safed" with Typescript:

const result = Result.ok('test');
result.getValue(); // ❌ TS: Property 'getValue' is protected and only accessible ...
if (result.isSuccess()) {
result.getValue(); // ✅ fine


The abstract class Serializable overrides the JS internal .toJSON() method. All private attributes (which are denoted starting with an underscore) are returned as an object with all leading underscores removed. The .toJSON() method of any class is automatically called recursively when the class is serialized with JSON.stringify(myClass).

Although most components of this package have their own implementation for it, this class can be used to make other classes serializable.



Type Aliases

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