An abstract Entity with an id, which can be serialized to its private attributes

  • Entities are usually things that are characterized by something concrete and not by a property.
  • Entities are not distinguished from each other by the sum of their properties, but by an identifier.
  • 2 entities can have the same properties, but ultimately differ by having different IDs.
  • If 2 entities have the same ID, then they are one and the same entity.


Define a class for a book entity:

type BookProps = {
title: BookTitle;
soldBooksAmount: SoldBooksAmount;

class Book extends Entity<BookProps> {
public static create(isbn: string, title: string, amount: number = 0): Result<Book> {
return Result.combine({
id: Identifier.create(isbn, { name: 'Book.isbn [ID]' }),
title: BookTitle.create(title),
soldBooksAmount: SoldBooksAmount.create(amount),
}).convertTo((validProps) => new this(validProps));

get title() {
return this.props.title.value;

get soldBooksAmount() {
return this.props.soldBooksAmount.value;

increaseSoldBooksAmount() {
SoldBooksAmount.create(this.soldBooksAmount + 1)
.onSuccess((newAmout) => (this.props.soldBooksAmount = newAmout))
.onFail((error) => console.log('something strange happened: ' + error));

const book = Book.create('978-3-12-732320-7', 'How to create Entities');

Define the ValueObjects associated to the book entity:

class BookTitle extends NonEmptyString {
// recommended to access the options
static readonly options: NonEmptyStringOptions = { name: 'Book.title' };

// required for clean creation
public static create(title: string) {
return super.create(title, BookTitle.options);

class SoldBooksAmount extends Integer {
public static create(amount: number) {
return super.create(amount, { min: 0, name: 'Book.soldBooksAmount' });

Type Parameters


  • Entity




  • get id(): string
  • 💬 The id of this Entity is an internal Identifier

    Returns string


  • 💬 Entities are compared based on their id.


    Returns boolean

  • 💬 Ensures that the given value is an instance of Entity

    Type Parameters


    • value: unknown

    Returns value is Entity<T>

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